Theme Days


During the past few years, I have started to see a constant throughout the constellations I have accompanied.

A lot of people come to me with the question: What is my place? What do I have to do? 
These are important and interesting questions.

‘What is my place’ begins at your family of birth. Which niche have you taken there, and which niche should you take, in order to allow yourself to just be you?
If you only need to be yourself and only need to live according to your own needs, the question ‘what do I have to do?’ takes on a very different meaning.

This is why I always recommend people to first do a constellation about the organization within the family of birth. 
Often, this opens up to a lot of peacefulness, and automatically resolves a lot of other questions and issues.

This also goes when you see a child (perhaps your own) struggle with the place he or she should take up. 
A constellation about the organization of your family gives a lot of insight and openness.
Especially when the parents are no longer partners, it is very comforting for children to construct a new organization, in which your children need only be themselves and live their own lives…
And especially when a new partner comes along (with or without children of their own).
Time and again, there has to be decided once more which place belongs to whom. 
With a new partner, the chances of success of the relationship increase drastically when, in an early stage of the relationship, a healthy organization has been made.

Another frequently asked question is about always having to struggle and fight in order to achieve things. 
Step 1 is here, too, organization. To see whether you are really living your own life, because if you aren’t, it is bound to be strugglesome…
Step 2 is to view your line. For men, this is their male line, for women it is their female line
Because when you can be at peace in your line, and know you are supported, everything you do becomes easier and more pleasurable.

An added benefit of being in your own line is that when you can Be the child of your parent (and not just Pretend to be the child), you can also Be the parent of your child (and not have to work hard, Pretending to be the parent).
Yet another added benefit of being in your own line is that only once you can be the son of your father, you can become a man. And only when you can be the daughter of your mother, you can become a woman.


For me, the above mentioned constellations ‘organising your family of birth’ and ‘cleaning up your line’ are thus the fundaments of your existence. 
And when something is wrong with your fundament, it is very difficult to build up a healthy and fulfilling existence.

Other contents are:

The father-daughter and mother-son has a large influence on initiating romantic relationships.
The relationship with your father is about authority (and as such, the conflicts with your employer are about the relationship with your father) and structure.
The relationship with your mother concerns safety and surrender.

Less family bound, but also of essential importance to live your life to the fullest is the balance between your inner man and your inner woman.
The male and female side are present in every person.
The quality of the relationship between these two is determined by the extent to which both elements are healthy and mature.
When there is a healthy balance between a healthy, mature inner man and a healthy, mature inner woman, this means there is:
A good balance between activity and rest.
Between taking initiative and following.
Between Knowledge and Wisdom.
And that you can initiate independent relationships, and connect in your freedom.


You can work out alle the themes in an individual constellation or in a group.
Send me an Email for more information and/or see in the Calandar, when I am in Ireland to book.